Servicios Consultoría

Ofrecemos análisis político y estrategias electorales basadas en datos precisos y confiables.

A SWOT analysis chart is displayed on a whiteboard, divided into four quadrants. Each section is labeled in Spanish: 'Debilidades' (weaknesses), 'Amenazas' (threats), 'Fortalezas' (strengths), and 'Oportunidades' (opportunities). The central circle contains the letters D, A, F, and O corresponding to the initials of these words. The text is colored in red, green, and blue.
A SWOT analysis chart is displayed on a whiteboard, divided into four quadrants. Each section is labeled in Spanish: 'Debilidades' (weaknesses), 'Amenazas' (threats), 'Fortalezas' (strengths), and 'Oportunidades' (opportunities). The central circle contains the letters D, A, F, and O corresponding to the initials of these words. The text is colored in red, green, and blue.
Análisis Político

Estudios profundos sobre tendencias y dinámicas políticas actuales.

Investigación de Opinión

Metodologías innovadoras para captar la voz del público y sus preferencias.

Estrategia Electoral

Desarrollo de planes estratégicos para maximizar el impacto en campañas electorales.

Proyectos Estratégicos

Análisis político y estrategias electorales para decisiones informadas.

A section of printed text discusses the disadvantages of online surveys, referencing Denscombe (2018). Specific phrases are highlighted in green, such as 'speak for itself,' 'let empirical data,' 'quantitative,' and 'qualitative.' The text mentions concerns about focusing on empirical data without considering its implications and compares quantitative methods to qualitative ones. Shadows partially obscure the text, and the section is titled '5.3 Geographical Information System.'
A section of printed text discusses the disadvantages of online surveys, referencing Denscombe (2018). Specific phrases are highlighted in green, such as 'speak for itself,' 'let empirical data,' 'quantitative,' and 'qualitative.' The text mentions concerns about focusing on empirical data without considering its implications and compares quantitative methods to qualitative ones. Shadows partially obscure the text, and the section is titled '5.3 Geographical Information System.'
Investigación de Opinión

Encuestas y análisis de datos para decisiones efectivas.

Colorful political banners and flags are displayed in an outdoor setting, featuring campaign slogans and symbols.
Colorful political banners and flags are displayed in an outdoor setting, featuring campaign slogans and symbols.
A collection of scattered flyers and papers with text related to concepts of democracy, rights, and anarchism. The papers are primarily in black and white and feature both English and Polish text.
A collection of scattered flyers and papers with text related to concepts of democracy, rights, and anarchism. The papers are primarily in black and white and feature both English and Polish text.
A green ballot paper featuring a list of political party options and empty circles for voters to mark their choices. The layout shows various party names such as CDU, SPD, GRÜNE, FDP, and DIE LINKE in a column on the left, with corresponding areas for marking on the right.
A green ballot paper featuring a list of political party options and empty circles for voters to mark their choices. The layout shows various party names such as CDU, SPD, GRÜNE, FDP, and DIE LINKE in a column on the left, with corresponding areas for marking on the right.
Estrategia Electoral

Metodologías innovadoras para campañas electorales exitosas.